– 一期一会 –
夜桜に、あまり余計なことをするものではありません。 けれども、昨日の桜と今日の桜は何か違う、長い時間たたずんでいると何かが起こる、都会のど真ん中の桜並木では、そんな不思議な現象があってもいいのではないか、それがSakura Effectです。
You don’t need to do something special in order to see cherry blossoms at night.
Is not Sakura yesterday different from today’s cherry blossoms?
You’ll notice something magical occurs within these trees over a period of a day.
These mysterious phenomena can be found in the rows of cherry blossom trees in the center of the city.
We call it the Sakura Effect.
It’s hard for people to notice subtle changes.
The full color LED lighting illuminates the cherry blossoms and flickers them between a light pink and white with each moment.
However, those passing through might think the variation in color is due to the fluctuations in wind.
オーロラに出会うかもしれないし、まったく何も気が付かないかもしれない。それがSakura Effectです。
You may encounter the aurora, or You may not notice nothing at all… This is the Sakura Effect.